College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Kejin Wang: Elevating the world of engineering and inspiring future generations

Kejin Wang, professor in construction engineering, says doing what you love is the key to success. Her unwavering passion for her field has earned her the title of distinguished professor, the first woman to ever receive this honor in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering.

Advisors open horizons with classroom visits to campus facilities, bringing new experiences to class

Research and industry work go hand in hand in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABE). That’s why the department, through the leadership of the ABE Advising Office, hosts several tours throughout the year for students across the department.

Bridging the gaps for graduate students

Started in 2019, Graduates for Advancing Professional Skills (GAPS) is an opportunity for graduate students to close the gap between academic research skills and what their future employer expects. It was born from Jiang’s desire to better equip students with real-world soft skills.

Iowa State University College of Engineering launches new biomedical engineering degree

Iowa State University’s College of Engineering is introducing a bachelor of science degree program in biomedical engineering.

The biomedical engineering program will be a hands-on educational experience in understanding, designing and manufacturing innovations to improve health. Majoring in biomedical engineering can also prepare students for medical school or other advanced studies.

Holographic hard hats ahead: Cyclone Engineers break into the third dimension of structural design

Civil engineering sophomore Liam Lenahan and assistant professor Roy Sturgill are working together to bring the third dimension into structural design. The two are bringing 3D projects into the classroom through a very ‘construction-style’ medium: hard hats. 

Sara Nelson named Iowa Space Grant Consortium director

The Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) has announced Dr. Sara D. Nelson as its new director. The NASA-supported agency is part of Iowa State’s Department of Aerospace Engineering and works to improve and inspire Iowa’s involvement in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education.

Pitching plastics: innovation to entrepreneurship

Shan Jiang, associate professor in MSE, wanted a way to connect student’s innovation with entrepreneurship, all while remaining sustainable.

“You can teach a theory, but it is impossible to teach innovation,” Jiang said. “However, if you give students a problem they are engaged in, they will try their best, they will innovate on things they are passionate about. That is the challenge, combining what they learn in the classroom and using topics they are enthusiast about.”

How much vehicle weight can highways withstand? Yongsung Koh receives award for highway resilience research

How much pressure can a road withstand? Of all the roads and highways we drive on – when will they crack? That’s what Yongsung Koh, a doctoral student in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, is working hard to figure out.
