College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Michael Dorneich named Morrill Professor

Michael Dorneich, Joseph Walkup Professor of Engineering and professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering has been named Morrill Professor.

The Morrill Professorship is a university award recognizing faculty members for their national and international reputation of demonstrated outstanding success in teaching and learning in undergraduate, graduate and/or extension/outreach programs.

Nigel Reuel receives American Chemical Society BIOT Young Investigator Award

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering faculty member Nigel Reuel has received the 2024 American Chemical Society BIOT Young Investigator Award.

Bastawros awarded for advances in packaging electronic devices

Ashraf Bastawros has been named recipient of the prestigious 2024 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division (EPPD) Excellence in Mechanics Award.

Teaching and research recognition for aerospace engineering graduate students

Four graduate students from the Department of Aerospace Engineering have received the Teaching Excellence (TEX) and Research Excellence (REX) Awards for spring semester 2024.

Defining the next step for grain elevator energy consumption

“All over the world, agriculture contributes to greenhouse gas emissions through necessary harvest processing. In finding ways to reduce the footprint, I am analyzing grain elevators and the energy consumed through operation,” said Sabbir.

“Spirit of innovation” helps lift Jean-Philippe Tessonnier to National Academy of Inventors

Jean-Philippe Tessonnier, Richard C. Seagrave Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering, has been named a Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors.

Hugo Villegas Pico receives NSF CAREER award to cement research of long-term electromagnetic-transient simulations

Department of electrical and computer engineering Harpole-Pentair Assistant Professor Hugo Villegas Pico has been selected for a 2023 National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award for his project “Advances to the EMT Modeling and Simulation of Restoration Processes for Future Grids.”  

Davarnia receives NSF CAREER award, his second early career award in two years

Danial Davarnia, assistant professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering, has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award for research of efficient scalable methods for solving large-scale network optimization problems.
