College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

ABE Alum Spotlight: Sarah Sievertsen – writing for engineers, starting at ISU

Sarah Sievertsen graduated from Iowa State University in 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Systems Technology (AST). Originally from northwest Alabama, Sievertsen had a passion for manure management and air quality in high school. She now works for GEA North America as a technical writer.

ABE Alum Spotlight: Willow Griffith – innovating with precision, starting at ISU

Willow Griffith graduated from Iowa State University in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture systems technology (AST). Now at the Climate LLC as a product manager, she has combined her love for agriculture and innovation to find a career she is passionate about.

Kejin Wang: Elevating the world of engineering and inspiring future generations

Kejin Wang, professor in construction engineering, says doing what you love is the key to success. Her unwavering passion for her field has earned her the title of distinguished professor, the first woman to ever receive this honor in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering.

Seeing your work, work: Jenny Herrera turns ideas into impact as Weitz project manager

Herrera’s first project out of college (civil engineering ‘16) was no small feat. Starting as a project engineer at The Weitz Company and now as a project manager, Herrera has been turning ideas into impacts for over seven years. And her favorite part? Seeing it all come together and work.

Nazik Çıtır: Paving paths of innovation and inspiration in transportation

Nazik Çıtır, doctoral candidate in civil engineering working with the Institute for Transportation, has pretty much always been an engineer in the making. As a child, Çıtır always seemed to be problem-solving with one big goal in mind: helping the world be a better place for all.

Brittini Brown: “Iowa State served as a launchpad for me in discovering that my education was my own and I could take the reins”

Going into graduate school, Brittini Brown was ready for an adventure unlike any other adventure she had before. And a new adventure was exactly what she had as a grad student in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Madalyn Moline: A power and machinery engineer following a dream to improve ag systems and make a difference

Madalyn Moline has always been one to trailblaze new paths and follow her dreams no matter what others might say. Now, she is a sophomore in agricultural engineering with a power and machinery focus. Moline has a drive to not only create more efficient and sustainable agricultural methods, but to inspire others that want to pursue engineering, as well.

“Engineering” student success: Emily Roberts expands her influence as new Student Government president

Emily Roberts is focused on earning a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering – but her own success is not the only thing on her agenda. She’ll also be working hard to represent her fellow Iowa State undergraduates as the newly-elected president of Iowa State University Student Government.

Through the blown glass: Iris Top combines engineering and art

Iris Top is a graduate student at Iowa State University studying computer engineering, with a degree focus in secure and reliable computing.

The summer of 2022 marked the end of Top’s term as president of the Gaffer’s Guild, a student organization dedicated to the education and training in the art and science of glassblowing. Members are encouraged to take their learning a step further by working on their own to master specific skills or shapes. 
