College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Bastawros awarded for advances in packaging electronic devices

Ashraf Bastawros has been named recipient of the prestigious 2024 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division (EPPD) Excellence in Mechanics Award.

Department of Mechanical Engineering receives national ASME award for expanding engagement and outreach 

Iowa State University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering received the American Society of Mechanical Engineers MEDHEC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion award at the ASME Mechanical Engineering Education Summit.

This award honors department-wide efforts to cultivate a working and learning environment where all students, faculty and staff can thrive.

Alumni gift establishes the John and Nancy Hayes Department Chair in Mechanical Engineering

John and Nancy Hayes of Davenport, Iowa, have made a gift commitment to Iowa State University, establishing the John and Nancy Hayes Department Chair in Mechanical Engineering. The initial chairholder is Caroline Hayes (no relation to John and Nancy Hayes), who has led the department since 2012.

Robert C. Brown elected to National Academy of Inventors

Robert C. Brown, who has many inventions involving the thermochemical conversion of biomass to biofuels and biochemicals, is Iowa State’s ninth fellow elected to the National Academy of Inventors. He’s still in the inventing business, including competing in an XPRIZE Foundation effort to remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Aaron Schoon: Outstanding senior in mechanical engineering

“Engineering like a Cyclone Engineer means effectively using the skills and knowledge you have gained as an engineer while also realizing the importance of collaborating with others towards achieving success. At Iowa State, opportunities to work within teams for classes, research, and clubs better prepare us to make a mark on history.”

New Soft Matter Electrostatic Levitator makes possible world’s first neutron scattering on levitated salt solution droplets up to extreme supersaturation

John Jonghyun Lee, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, led research that demonstrated the world’s first neutron scattering on levitated salt solution droplets up to extreme supersaturation. The team used a novel instrument they designed called a Soft Matter Electrostatic Levitator (SEL), integrated into the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor’s WAND2 facility.
