College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Experimental class connects business and engineering students

In the MKT458X: New Product Marketing course, marketing and industrial engineering students work across disciplines on product concepts, research planning and execution, branding development, and launch planning. Through collaborative work sessions, marketing students learn what is important to the engineers and how to support their efforts, while the engineers do the same for the marketers.

Davarnia receives NSF CAREER award, his second early career award in two years

Danial Davarnia, assistant professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering, has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award for research of efficient scalable methods for solving large-scale network optimization problems.

Vaidehee Bahirat: Outstanding senior in industrial engineering

“My Cyclone Engineering education has prepared me to be an engineer in any part of the world. We get to learn a wide variety of concepts not just through the academic curriculum but also through opportunities like research assistant, senior design, and group projects. The network and quality of education are unique at Iowa State.”

New REMADE project: Eco-friendly strategies to remove metal corrosion

Yiliang (Leon) Liao, associate professor of industrial engineering, leads a new project to develop hybrid laser surface processing technology that will be an easy-to-use, highly controllable and eco-friendly solution for metallic surface remanufacturing. The work is supported by $880,000 in funding from the Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Reducing Embodied Energy and Decreasing Emissions (REMADE).

Honoring excellence: Cyclone Engineering faculty and staff award winners, named faculty positions and new patents

Congratulations to 2023 College of Engineering faculty and staff award winners, new named faculty positions, and patent recipients.
