“Iowa State gives engineering students the opportunity to go beyond their engineering degree and grow as a business professional as well.”
“Iowa State gives engineering students the opportunity to go beyond their engineering degree and grow as a business professional as well.”
“As a Cyclone Engineer, there are endless opportunities to network and learn. You can partake in hackathons, coding competitions, cyber defense competitions, clubs, company networking sessions, career fairs, research, etc. All these options ensure you’ll always be learning and having fun.”
ISU students qualify for national programming competition.
James Rodgers, a junior studying software engineering, spent his 2023 summer as an IINSPIRE-LSAMP undergraduate mentee. IINSPIRE LSAMP, or the Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, is a Midwest STEM partnership for innovation in research and education and focuses on increasing the number of STEM bachelor’s and graduate degrees awarded to populations historically underrepresented in STEM fields.
Congratulations to 2023 College of Engineering faculty and staff award winners, new named faculty positions, and patent recipients.
Coming into Iowa State, Emily Anderson had 0 coding experience, but she had 1 goal: helping others with engineering.
“Becoming a WiSE student role model my freshman year has really been a rewarding aspect. My position allows me to inspire K-12 classrooms and facilitate hands-on STEM activities. I enjoy encouraging young middle and high school women to enter STEM fields but also witnessing the progress of my fellow women Cyclone Engineers and advancement of resources available to us as a less-represented group in engineering.”
“I’m really excited about the progression of technology and the potential to contribute to that – and proud of my family’s connections to Iowa State. And I’m ready to get out there in the work world to continue my commitment to empowering other women in STEM.”
“Engineering like a Cyclone Engineer comes down to taking what you’ve learned into a situation you don’t fully understand and eagerly dig into the problem at hand, ask questions and figure out a solution to make a real-world impact on the lives of the people around us. Within the software engineering program, the curriculum emphasizes hands-on, practical application through projects, which sets students up well for jobs in industry.”
Early this year, members of the ISU Robotics Club placed 5th at the 13th Annual Autonomous Snowplow Competition (www.autosnowplow.com) held January 20-21, 2023 at Dunwoody College of Technology in Minneapolis, MN. The traveling team was comprised of seven students – four Software Engineering students, Darren Anderson (SE ’22 alum), Jaden Forde, Ryan Sand, and Sergio Perez Valentin; …Continue reading “Robotics Club Participates in 13th Annual Autonomous Snowplow Competition”
When Patrick Demers, software engineering major, realized how important CyRide was to getting around Ames, he took it upon himself to engineer a simple and efficient means of navigating bus transportation – the Ames Ride app.
Andrew Deick is the fall 2022 outstanding senior in software engineering.
Amy Wieland is the spring 2022 Outstanding Senior in software engineering
Iowa State University Software Engineering students showcased for innovation at 2022 Ignite Innovation Showcase.
Graduating senior Morgan Smith took STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to a whole new level after she arrived at Iowa State University. This fall, Smith, who is from Nevada, Iowa will graduate with two STEM degrees – Software Engineering (SE) from the College of Engineering and Microbiology (MICR) from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.