College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

AerE graduate student Thanh Phan receives Brown Fellowship

Thanh Phan, a fifth-year Ph.D. aerospace engineering student at Iowa State, has been named a Brown Graduate Fellowship recipient for 2021-22. Fourteen fellowships are awarded to Iowa State students each year. Phan is one of three recipients in the College of Engineering. He was selected for the honor after two of his recent research articles …Continue reading “AerE graduate student Thanh Phan receives Brown Fellowship”

Ceylan receives 2021 Laurie Prize

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has honored Halil Ceylan, civil, construction and environmental engineering professor and director of Program for Sustainable Pavement Engineering and Research (PROSPER), with the 2021 James Laurie Prize for significantly advancing transportation engineering with his career contributions in smart, sustainable and resilient transportation infrastructure systems. Ceylan is the first recipient of this …Continue reading “Ceylan receives 2021 Laurie Prize”

Transfer graduate student finds new home at Iowa State

Going from a smaller university in an urban area to a larger university in a smaller college town might have been difficult for some, but for mechanical engineering graduate student Murtaza “Murt” Zohair the transition was smooth. Zohair is from Aurora, Ill., part of the greater Chicago area. Growing up he was often reading books …Continue reading “Transfer graduate student finds new home at Iowa State”

Engineering and the art of communication

It can be challenging to understand technologies that most of us don’t interact with routinely. They can be complex, arcane and hard to access in our time-constricted lives. Yet, as the recent Texas energy debacle demonstrates, it’s important. One Iowa State University alum has made a career of making an important energy technology – nuclear …Continue reading “Engineering and the art of communication”

Summer program opened door to nuclear industry for alum

While some high school students attend summer camp to enjoy the great outdoors, one Iowa State University alum attended a different kind of summer camp to learn about nuclear engineering and it ended up having a profound impact on her professional development. Lora Drenth grew up on a farm in northwest Iowa. As a junior …Continue reading “Summer program opened door to nuclear industry for alum”

Hashemi elected a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Mechanical engineering associate professor Nicole Hashemi has been named a Fellow by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The status of Fellow is bestowed upon an ASME Member with 10 or more years of active practice and at least 10 years of active corporate membership in the organization. Of the more than 100,000 ASME …Continue reading “Hashemi elected a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers”

ME’s Suresh to serve as Graduate College student marshal for Spring 2021

Vignesh Suresh has racked up a handful of awards and honors during his time at Iowa State, and he’ll have at least one more to his name when he walks across the commencement stage later this semester. Suresh, a Ph.D. candidate in mechanical engineering (ME) and human-computer interaction, has been named a student marshal for …Continue reading “ME’s Suresh to serve as Graduate College student marshal for Spring 2021”

Study by AerE’s Hu confirms impact of ice on wind turbine blades

Wind turbines have become a staple of power generation. But ice accumulating on their blades during adverse winter weather can reduce their energy production by as much as 80%. That’s the finding of a new field study just released by Department of Aerospace Engineering Martin C. Jischke Professor Hui Hu. Read more about how Hu’s …Continue reading “Study by AerE’s Hu confirms impact of ice on wind turbine blades”

Applying data analytics to study the HIV/AIDs Virus

Researchers at Iowa State University are combining their industrial engineering and data analytics knowledge with the medical expertise of researchers at the University of Iowa for a project that could understand the progression of HIV and eventually improve treatment of the virus. Hillel Haim, assistant professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Iowa, …Continue reading “Applying data analytics to study the HIV/AIDs Virus”
