College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Cyclone Engineer Balaji Narasimhan, ISU Nanovaccine Institute awarded $2 million CARES Act grant to study COVID-19 nanovaccine

The state of Iowa has designated $2 million in federal CARES Act funding to support university research and development of a nanovaccine to protect against COVID-19 infections. Researchers at Iowa State University and the University of Iowa, led by Balaji Narasimhan, director of the Nanovaccine Institute, an Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering and the Vlasta Klima Balloun Faculty Chair in Chemical and Biological Engineering, will work together on a nanovaccine they expect will be needle-free, single-dose and won’t require refrigeration.

ME’s Pint and team receives international recognition

Cary L. Pint, Charles Schafer (Battelle) Chair of Engineering and an associate professor of mechanical engineering, was recently honored for groundbreaking innovations. First, Pint and his team were designated as winners of a prestigious 2020 R & D 100 Award in the Mechanical/Materials category. This is a worldwide competition that highlights revolutionary technologies as judged …Continue reading “ME’s Pint and team receives international recognition”

IMSE faculty and staff log 1735 miles during 2020 Next Step Challenge

A team of 14 faculty and staff members from Iowa State University’s Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (IMSE) collectively logged enough miles to walk from Voyageurs National Park in Minnesota to Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in Colorado – and passing through five other national parks on the trip – during …Continue reading “IMSE faculty and staff log 1735 miles during 2020 Next Step Challenge”

Schwab retires after 30 years at Iowa State

Charles Schwab retired Oct. 16 as a professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering at Iowa State after serving 30 years. Schwab also served as the ISU Extension and Outreach safety specialist for the state of Iowa. Since his arrival to campus on Aug. 15, 1990 – yes, he remembers the date – Schwab has been …Continue reading “Schwab retires after 30 years at Iowa State”

An engineering entrepreneur with an athlete’s mindset

Gymnasts are often meticulous in their routines. They perfect their bodily mechanics to make their routine as efficient as possible. As a former student-athlete, Courtney Middelkoop is now applying this mindset to her company. After completing her M.S. in industrial engineering (IE) in fall 2019, Middelkoop returned to her hometown in suburban Dallas, Texas and …Continue reading “An engineering entrepreneur with an athlete’s mindset”

Two Cyclone engineers receive NSF grant to create a smarter aircraft and spacecraft

Piloting an aircraft is popularly described as hours of boredom punctuated by periods of terror. Similarly, a spacecraft in transit to a distant target remains largely dormant, but for periodic heightened activity required for maintenance and staying on course. Aircraft and spacecraft are complex systems of systems that must seamlessly work together, switching control through …Continue reading “Two Cyclone engineers receive NSF grant to create a smarter aircraft and spacecraft”

Iowa State University’s online IE degree opened new doors for alum

While the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many courses to be delivered virtually, one industrial engineering alum had an entirely online learning experience prior to the pandemic and said that it served him well. Michael Glazer completed his M.Eng. in industrial engineering (IE) in 2015. Considering he lives in the northeast, online delivery was the most …Continue reading “Iowa State University’s online IE degree opened new doors for alum”

Iowa State University launches partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Ghana and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

The U.S. Embassy in Ghana, the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and Iowa State University recently launched the U.S. State Department Bureau of African Affairs’ University Partnerships Initiative (UPI). Iowa State is partnering with the KNUST College of Engineering to implement institutional capacity building through its student organizations Engineers Without Borders (EWB). Faculty and …Continue reading “Iowa State University launches partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Ghana and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology”

Maier Honored with 2020 Sukup Global Food Security Award

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) presented the 2020 Sukup Global Food Security award during their virtual meeting this year, July 13-15, to Dirk Maier, a professor in the Iowa State University Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. The award recognizes distinguished contributions to global food security through research, outreach and teaching.

Students Prove Passion for Composting

Carissa Moyna, concurrent MBA business administration and civil engineering student, didn’t expect students to enjoy composting as much as they do.  After her research work freshman year with the Iowa State compost facility, Moyna wanted to build upon the work she did. The fall semester of her senior year, she established the Compost Team within …Continue reading “Students Prove Passion for Composting”

Q&A with ME Professor Xinwei Wang on New NSF grant to manufacture novel graphene aerogel-based photon sensors

Explain to us what you are examining for this recent NSF grant you received. This project is to design and manufacture micro-size bolometers that are based on graphene aerogel (GP). GP is a very light material, whose density can be much less than that of air. GP has a very low thermal conductivity, is flexible, …Continue reading “Q&A with ME Professor Xinwei Wang on New NSF grant to manufacture novel graphene aerogel-based photon sensors”

Honors for AerE’s Abdelkhalik, Ahn, Riedel

Associate professor Abdelkhalik named AIAA associate fellow Of the nearly 30,000 individual members of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) worldwide, only 17% are selected as associate fellows. Department of Aerospace Engineering associate professor Ossama Abdelkhalik will now join those ranks. Abdelkhalik has officially become an associate fellow in the organization’s class of …Continue reading “Honors for AerE’s Abdelkhalik, Ahn, Riedel”
