Though much of Francis B. Francois’ career took place outside of Iowa, it seems that the general engineering graduate never forgot about his Iowa roots. Francois was born in 1934 and grew up on a farm in Barnum, Iowa. He chose to attend Iowa State College (now called Iowa State University), which was about 75 …Continue reading “Iowa roots shaped late alum’s career”
Wasama Abdullah, a second-year graduate student in transportation engineering, received the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) Helene Overly graduate scholarship in January in recognition of her outstanding commitment to the transportation field.
Iowa State University’s Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (ISU CCEE) has named Anuj Sharma the Pitt-Des Moines Inc. (PDM) Professor in Civil Engineering. “Contributions such as these form stepping stones to explore transformative solutions for next generation civil infrastructure systems,” Sharma said of the professorship. Sharma is an associate professor of transportation engineering …Continue reading “ISU CCEE’s Sharma appointed Pitt-Des Moines Inc. Professor in Civil Engineering”
This research feature is part of a series highlighting the work of ISU CCEE faculty. For more information, visit our website, Also, follow ISU CCEE on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and LinkedIn (search “Iowa State University Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering” and “ISUConE”). Text-only version available.
Graduate transportation engineering student finds caring community 2,000 miles from home Willine Richardson rates Iowa State friendliness as “top-notch.” “It reminds me of home a lot, because of the hospitality …,” she says. “You can meet anyone, from any part of the world, to be honest. I’ve met so many people from different places.” Richardson …Continue reading “Beyond the class at Iowa State – Engineer at ISU CCEE”
Jacob Warner presents critical analysis of speed limits on Iowa Interstate System at annual Transportation Research Board Conference in Washington, D.C. The U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has chosen Jacob Warner, a graduate student studying transportation engineering at Iowa State University’s Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Department (ISU CCEE), as a recipient of the Dwight …Continue reading “CCEE graduate student earns prestigious Eisenhower Fellowship”
A new year brings new faces to the department of civil, construction and environmental engineering (CCEE) Chris Day Chris Day is an assistant professor of civil engineering at Iowa State University. He is a member of the transportation engineering focus area at ISU CCEE. Day previously worked at Purdue University for nearly seven years as …Continue reading “New faculty, staff join ISU CCEE for fall semester”
Transportation engineering course caps off with trips to Scotland, London Young engineers got a glimpse of medieval and modern engineering practices last month during a nearly two-week study abroad experience in Great Britain. The group of 25 civil and construction engineering students from Iowa State University (ISU) toured sites in Scotland and England for the course …Continue reading “Engineering students take learning global with Great Britain study abroad”