College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

From uncertain to passionate, Erik DeMeyere found his path in materials engineering

“I was really struggling with what path I wanted to take. I enjoyed physics and chemistry in high school but knew I didn’t want to be a chemist or physicist,” DeMeyere said. “And then I saw materials engineering listed, which, at the time, I didn’t even know existed. After doing some research, I realized I had been interested in materials science all along.”

Jacob Wheaton gains international collaboration through MSE

“I like the fact there are a lot of different problems to solve in engineering,” Wheaton said. “There is always something to work towards, and it’s very satisfying when you find the solution. And I just really enjoy learning, and with materials engineering, it is easy to do a deep dive into a range of topics.”

AIChE student chapter again records successes at annual meeting – including another Outstanding Student Chapter honor

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) student chapter from Iowa State University has once again returned from the national Annual AIChE meeting with some important honors.
