Doug Jacobson, University Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was interviewed by Iowa Public Radio’s Ben Kieffer on the December 9 edition of River to River. Jacobson and ISU associate professor of information systems Brian Mennecke, give their takes on the latest news regarding privacy, data collection, and cyber-security at the link below. The Illusion of Privacy in …Continue reading “Jacobson featured on Iowa Public Radio”
AMES, Iowa – A security breach is detected at a small business. Teams of cyber analysts are briefed about the situation and given five hours to answer three questions: Are the cyber-attacks connected? Whose account was used to access the server? And did anyone open the malicious email?
Electrical and computer engineering assistant professor explores how information security and privacy intersect with data science As emerging systems such as social media and mobile computing continue to improve access to information like a map to your next destination or ways to keep up with your family’s activities, these tools offer a growing range of benefits and …Continue reading “Neil Gong: Securing data in electronic systems”
Part of $40 million White House Smart Cities Initiative A team of researchers from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University was awarded one of 12 Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) research projects by the National Science Foundation this week. The GCTC, a joint initiative of the National Institute of Standards …Continue reading “Iowa State awarded NSF Global City Teams Challenge project”
Electrical and computer engineering professor devises technology that helps transform data into usable information. Over the past 10 to 15 years, there has been a big change in the ecosystem of software and hardware for data processing. Srikanta Tirthapura, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, says this change is being driven by favorable economic …Continue reading “Managing big data with efficient algorithms and software”
Systems that allow users complete anonymity are being abused. ECpE’s Yong Guan wants to add some accountability. The World Wide Web is, in many ways, still the Wild West. Though a large portion of internet traffic is monitored and traceable, systems like the Tor Project allow users to post and share anything anonymously. Anonymous systems …Continue reading “Creating Accountable Anonymity Online”
The Iowa State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in conjunction with the Electric Power Research Center, held a two-day short course that covered basic principles of cyber security. The course, called ‘On Cyber Security of the Electric Power Grid with Attacks-Defense Training,’ was offered July 15-16 in Coover Hall. The course covered specific …Continue reading “ECpE, EPRC sponsor two-day cyber security short course”
Iowa State Electrical and Computer Engineering hosted its annual student cyber defense competition on Saturday. With more than 150 student participants, the event ranked as the largest cyber defense competition in the world. Iowa State students were split into teams and were given two weeks to build their own systems on virtual machines that could …Continue reading “Iowa State hosts world’s largest cyber defense competition”
By Hannah Furfaro Staff Writer Ames Tribune In his office on the Iowa State University campus Thursday, professor Suraj “Suresh” Kothari didn’t hesitate to talk about the realities of cyber warfare. It’s not exactly dinner-table conversation, but cyber insecurity is bearing down on everyone from company CEOs to generals at U.S. military bases overseas. Recent …Continue reading “ISU professor takes on threat of espionage via hacked smartphones”
Douglas Jacobson, University professor of electrical and computer engineering and director of the Iowa State Information Assurance Center, was recently recognized with a 2011 Security 7 Award from the Information Security magazine for his work with information security education. Each year, the magazine honors seven professionals who have done work in the realm of information …Continue reading “Jacobson awarded for contributions to information security education”
In an Iowa State Daily editorial, computer engineering senior Rick Hanton talks about legislation presented to congress – the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) and Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) – that would allow governmental agencies to shut down sites that infringe on copyright laws, such as those with illegal copies of music available for download. After …Continue reading “Computer engineering senior discusses Internet restrictions”
During a recent Viewpoints segment about Google, Doug Jacobson, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the Information Assurance Center, discussed how Google can seemingly know where you are located during searches by evaluating the address your computer uses when it connects to the Internet. He also discussed how companies can’t tie your …Continue reading “Jacobson adds information security insight to Viewpoints interview”