Gayle A. Roberts, P.E., an Iowa State University Chemical Engineering alumna, was officially inducted into the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Hall of Fame during a banquet April 12. Since 2007 Roberts has been president of Stanley Consultants, a global engineering firm that provides planning, design, consulting, construction and management services to clients around …Continue reading “Chemical Engineering alumna Gayle Roberts joins CBE Hall of Fame”
Research on nerve regrowth from a group that includes CBE professor Surya Mallapragada and postdoctoral researcher Metin Uz is featured as the front cover story in the scientific journal “Advanced Healthcare Materials.” Read about the project in a story by University News Service here.
The Iowa State University Bio-Polymer Processing Facility, which opened in 2015, has celebrated a major milestone: It recently launched its first production run of biopolymers – plastics that are made from the conversion of fats and vegetables. Construction of the plant, which is located in the ISU BioCentury Farm, was spearheaded by Department of Chemical …Continue reading “Joint CBE-CCEE Bio-Polymer Facility celebrates first production run”
Iowa State University chemical engineering graduate student Deon Ploessl has been named a recipient of the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. Ploessl was an Iowa State Chemical and Biological Engineering undergraduate who received his B.S. in May of 2016 and then entered the graduate program. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes …Continue reading “Important NSF fellowship for chemical engineering grad student Deon Ploessl”
CBE alumna makes a name for herself at 3M Karen Albertson was raised in Ames, went to Iowa State and has a cyclone family who bleeds cardinal and gold. Now, the 1983 graduate in chemical and biological engineering is traveling the world in her role as a Integration and Life Science Business Director in Separation …Continue reading “From Ames to Global Business Leader”
CBE’s Herbert L. Stiles Associate Professor Yue Wu and colleagues have now had work featured as a “Research Highlight” in the journal Nature Reviews Materials. It stems from publication of “Highly Porous Thermoelectric Nanocomposites with Low Thermal Conductivity and High Figure of Merit from Large-Scale Solution-Synthesized Bi2Te2.5Se0.5 Hollow Nanostructures” in the journal Angewandte Chemie in …Continue reading “Yue Wu research highlighted in second publication”
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering assistant professor Jean-Philippe Tessonnier has been appointed to the Early Career Advisory Board of the journal ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. He becomes just one of 11 individuals worldwide to hold this honor. A full listing of those on the Early Career Board can be found here. In a …Continue reading “CBE’s Tessonnier appointed to advisory board of prominent journal”
The annual celebration offers students leadership positions, volunteer opportunities and a variety of fun activities February 19-24 will be a week of networking, entertainment and outreach for the College of Engineering, and for a group of engineering students, it will be the culmination of hours of planning and hard work. Engineers’ Week is an …Continue reading “A look at Engineers’ Week 2017”
Two Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering faculty members have been appointed the recipients of fellowships. Assistant Professor Zengyi Shao has been named Jack and Carol Johnson Faculty Fellow; and Assistant Professor Tom Mansell will be the Karen and Dennis Vaughn Faculty Fellow. Jack Johnson, who received a B.S. in computer science from Iowa State …Continue reading “Johnson, Vaughn fellowships for CBE professors announced”
Iowa State chemical engineering alumnus and noted member of the National Academy of Engineering Lanny Robbins has arrived on campus to begin his new position with the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Originally announced in the fall of 2016, Robbins joins the department as a distinguished faculty fellow. As a faculty member in the …Continue reading “Lanny Robbins set to lend expertise to CBE faculty, students”
Yue Wu, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Herbert L. Stiles Associate Professor, is the lead author on two research articles published simultaneously in two of the world’s most prominent scientific journals. “Nanocomposites from Solution-Synthesized PbTe-BiSbTe Nanoheterostructure with Unity Figure of Merit at Low-Medium Temperatures (500–600 K)” (abstract here) has been published in the January …Continue reading “CBE’s Wu lead author on two publications in prominent journals”
The Exploratory Research Projects program at Iowa State’s College of Engineering is supporting faculty members as they gather preliminary data for high-risk, high-impact, novel research ideas. This spring, seven projects will receive grants to explore new research areas: Vikram Dalal, Anson Marston Distinguished Professor and Whitney Professor of electrical and computer engineering, “Novel material for efficient …Continue reading “College inspires innovation”