College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Trusted advisor, strong example: Rehmann wins ISUAA Faculty-Staff Inspiration Award

A smiling man wearing a light blue, button-down shirt

Chris Rehmann received an Iowa State University Alumni Association (ISUAA) Faculty-Staff Inspiration Award, which honors faculty or staff that have had a significant influence in the lives of Iowa State students, on May 17, 2019.

A smiling man wearing a light blue, button-down shirtChris Rehmann is a 15-year fixture in ISU’s Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (ISU CCEE). Rehmann is an associate professor of environmental/water resources engineering. Since 2004, he has been celebrated by the department and the College of Engineering with multiple awards – including both the department’s Anderlik and Schafer Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, and the College of Engineering Superior Engineering Teacher citation.

While Rehmann is a published researcher and scholar of the highest caliber, it is as a teacher, friend, and mentor that he has truly transformed lives.

Rehmann’s ability to focus on what’s really important in life – family, safety, and health – has made him a trusted advisor to countless students and colleagues.

Faculty member receives award
Chris Rehmann (center) accepts his ISUAA Faculty-Staff Inspiration Award. With him are nominator Lauren Schwab (left), and ISUAA Lora and Russ Talbot Endowed President & CEO Jeff Johnson (right).

And in fighting his own battle with Hodgkin’s lymphoma he has set a strong example of positivity and determination for others.

Rehmann (second from left) stands with nominators Lauren Schwab (far left) and Beth Hartmann (far right), both faculty members of ISU CCEE. Also pictured is ISU CCEE Greenwood Department Chair David Sanders (second from right).

“Chris Rehmann, in my opinion, is an unsung hero in our department,” wrote one of his nominators. “He does so many things with little fanfare. He downplays his contributions and just goes about doing what he does to positively impact others and improve our department’s support of students. He sees each student, graduate or undergraduate, as a whole person and treats them with dignity and respect. He has motivated me to be a better teacher, advisor and human being.”

The ISUAA Faculty-Staff Inspiration Award has been in place since 2012. Previous ISU CCEE recipients include James Hoover, former ISU CCEE professor, and F. Wayne Klaiber, an emeritus faculty member of the department. Rehmann’s nominators include Lauren Schwab, Beth Hartmann and Jennifer Jefferson.
