Suraj Kothari, professor of electrical and computer engineering, is leading a research project that will increase the security of Android phones. Funded by a $4.1 million, 3.5-year grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the project’s objective is to develop a tool to detect malware placed unknowingly within applications on the mobile devices. …Continue reading “Kothari to develop malware detection tool for Android phones”
Devices like cell phones and appliances usually operate hassle-free, but when the software in them malfunctions it is often an added expense and headache. Similar software is now present in cars, airplanes, and spacecrafts, but if the software components in those vehicles are not reliable, the result can be devastating—the potential loss of millions of …Continue reading “Kothari transforms software analysis”
College of Engineering researchers Ayman Fayed, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering; Sri Sritharan, Wilson Engineering Professor of civil, construction and environmental engineering; Hui Hu, associate professor of aerospace engineering; and Suraj Kothari, professor of electrical and computer engineering, were among those awarded 10 competitive grants totaling $942,389 from Iowa State University’s $1.459 million …Continue reading “Four engineering researchers among those awarded state-funded grants”