In this most recent report from students and faculty working with Engineers Without Borders (EWB), students describe their experience developing water resource systems in Ghana. They also take part in community activities like soccer games, dancing and the celebration of a new birth in Ullo.
Michelle Friedmann is a graduate student at Iowa State University’s Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ISU ABE). Friedmann received the Excellence Award from Engineers Without Borders (EWB) USA at the group’s national conference on Nov. 9. The award recognizes individuals’ exceptional leadership skills and qualities within EWB. Friedmann is being recognized for her efforts …Continue reading “Friedmann recieves Excellence Award from Engineers Without Borders”
Eight students from Engineers Without Borders ISU spent three weeks working hands on with the community from Ullo, Ghana to create a water supply system that directly distributes water at the Ullo Senior High School, where over 1,000 students attend throughout the year.