College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Follow Hannah VanEvery’s study abroad experience in London

Hannah VanEvery is a senior in chemical engineering  and Spanish and has recently begun a new—albeit familiar—adventure. In September, she left for a year abroad to study at University College London. VanEvery previously studied in Spain for a semester, but this time she is documenting her travels weekly for the duration of her trip. She …Continue reading “Follow Hannah VanEvery’s study abroad experience in London”

Iowa State chapter of HKN earns Outstanding Chapter Award

by Michael Still The saying goes that three’s a crowd, but the Iowa State University chapter of Eta Kappa Nu isn’t complaining after receiving its third Outstanding Chapter Award in four years. Eta Kappa Nu, the scholastic honor society for electrical and electronic engineers, gives the Outstanding Chapter Award annually to college chapters who demonstrate excellence in …Continue reading “Iowa State chapter of HKN earns Outstanding Chapter Award”

Bigelow, Raman selected for National Academy of Engineering symposium

At the end of October, a select group of 73 engineering educators from around the country will be gathering in Irvine, Calif., to discuss innovative approaches to teaching during the National Academy of Engineering’s fifth Frontiers of Engineering Education symposium. Iowa State’s Tim Bigelow, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering and mechanical engineering, and …Continue reading “Bigelow, Raman selected for National Academy of Engineering symposium”

Sneha Singh receives IBM PhD Fellowship

by Thane Himes Sneha Singh, PhD student in computer engineering, received the prestigious IBM PhD Fellowship for the 2013-14 academic year. She earned this award for her extensive research in stream processing. While she is thankful for the award, she also feels motivated. “This award has opened several avenues for me and I have to …Continue reading “Sneha Singh receives IBM PhD Fellowship”

ISU student starts construction contracting business

While taking classes at Iowa State, senior in civil engineering Hamza Janjua applies his current knowledge and skills in construction to start his own contracting business, called SSB Construction LLC. “I was working as a project manager, and I just saw a lot of opportunities around me,” Janjua said. “I thought that instead of waiting …Continue reading “ISU student starts construction contracting business”

Dick Stanley Retires from Stanley Consultants

After 58 years of service to Stanley Consultants, Chair Emeritus Dick Stanley retired from the company on June 30. Stanley is a professional engineer, businessman, and world citizen. Stanley was first introduced to Stanley Consultants and the engineering profession in the mid-‘40s by his father, the late C. Maxwell Stanley. After high school graduation, Mr. …Continue reading “Dick Stanley Retires from Stanley Consultants”
