Transporting generated electricity is much more efficient than transporting fuel stock, but it cannot yet happen from coast to coast. In this episode of Factor Analysis, we talk to Dr. James McCalley, London Professor of Power Systems Engineering to find out why, what it would take, and what Iowa State’s role is in the process.
Cyclone Engineers are working with collaborators to develop machine learning theories and software tools that can quickly and cheaply design better solar cells. Those theories and tools could also be applied to the rapid design of all kinds of new technologies.
This summer, U.S. and Indian scientists met at a workshop to foster international collaborations while improving organic solar cells. Vikram Dalal, Thomas M. Whitney Professor in Electrical Engineering and Director of the Microelectronics Research Center (MRC), is one of the event’s three principal organizers. The other organizers are National Renewable Energy Lab’s David Ginley and Indian Institute …Continue reading “ECpE’s Dalal Organizes Indo-US Organic Solar Cells Workshop”