College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

ME’s Suresh to serve as Graduate College student marshal for Spring 2021

Vignesh Suresh has racked up a handful of awards and honors during his time at Iowa State, and he’ll have at least one more to his name when he walks across the commencement stage later this semester. Suresh, a Ph.D. candidate in mechanical engineering (ME) and human-computer interaction, has been named a student marshal for …Continue reading “ME’s Suresh to serve as Graduate College student marshal for Spring 2021”

Iowa State researchers to demonstrate cyber-physical security testbed for power grid at SmartAmerica Challenge expo

A team led by Manimaran Govindarasu of electrical and computer engineering has developed a realistic platform for power grid security research As cyber threats to the infrastructure of the nation’s electricity transmission grow in numbers and sophistication, so does the technology used to identify vulnerabilities and mitigate these attacks. PowerCyber, a cyber-physical security testbed developed …Continue reading “Iowa State researchers to demonstrate cyber-physical security testbed for power grid at SmartAmerica Challenge expo”
