College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Eight NSF CAREER awards in 2024 for Iowa State Engineering

Iowa State University College of Engineering, white wordmark on red background
Danial Davarnia, NSF CAREER award winner

Danial Davarnia

Assistant professor
Industrial and manufacturing systems engineering

Novel Parallelization Frameworks for Large-Scale Network Optimization with Combinatorial Requirements: Solution Methods and Applications. 

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Cheng Huang, NSF CAREER award winner

Cheng Huang

Assistant professor
Electrical and computer engineering

Towards 3D Omnidirectional and Efficient Wireless Power.

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Jong Lee, NSF CAREER award winner

John Lee

Assistant professor
Mechanical engineering

Unveiling the Structure and Stability of Prenucleation Clusters and their Roles in Crystallization Pathway and Final Crystal Structure. 

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Sid Pathak, NSF CAREER award winner

Sid Pathak

Assistant professor
Materials science and engineering

Towards a Fundamental Understanding of Interface Strain-Driven Pseudomorphic Phase Transformations in Multilayered Nanocomposites.

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Joshua Peschel, NSF CAREER award winner

Josh Peschel

Associate professor
Agricultural and biosystems engineering

Foundational Interaction Research for Manipulating Drones.

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Hugo Villegas Pico, NSF CAREER award winner

Hugo Villegas Pico

Assistant professor
Electrical and computer engineering

Advances to the EMT Modeling and Simulation of Restoration Processes for Future Grids.

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Ethan Secor, NSF CAREER award winner

Ethan Secor

Assistant professor
Mechanical engineering

Graded and Reliable Aerosol Deposition for Electronics (GRADE): Understanding Multi-Material Aerosol Jet Printing with In-Line Mixing.

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Azadeh Sheidaei portrait

Azadeh Sheidaei

Assistant professor
Aerospace engineering

Cyberinfrastructure for Printable Multifunctional Microstructural Materials.

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About Iowa State University Engineering research: Cyclone Engineers are creating innovations in advanced materials and manufacturing, engineered medicine, energy systems, resilient infrastructures, secure cyberspace and autonomy, engineering education and more.

The College of Engineering had $112 million in research expenditures in 2023, and Iowa State University is in the top 3% in the nation for research expenditures, among universities without a human medical school.

Learn more about Cyclone Engineering research here.
