Qi An joins the MSE faculty
Author: Zach Clemens
Author: Zach Clemens
Starting in the fall, Qi An will be a new professor for Materials Science and Engineering. Qi brings years of experience and research to the MSE department. The following Q and A is a chance to get to know An before he arrives on campus.
Background and history
“I am from Shandong Province, China. I obtained my BS and MS degree in Geophysics from the University of Science and Technology of China. Then I went to Caltech and became a Ph.D. student in the Materials Science program in 2007. After graduation in 2012, I became a postdoc and research scientist in Chemistry and the Chemical Engineering Division at Caltech. In 2016, I moved to the University of Nevada Reno (UNR) and became an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering.”
Choosing Iowa State
“I wanted to move to an institution like Iowa State University (ISU) that has strong materials research. The MSE department and other departments at ISU has strong materials research including materials processing, materials characterization and materials theory. Working at ISU can help me build collaborations with world leading expert. We can work together to develop novel materials that can make a significant impact on scientific community and global society.”
Research specialties
“My research focuses on the development of AI-based computational materials science framework integrating machine learning and multiscale simulations from electronic structures to atomistic simulations. My group applies this framework to investigate materials properties and processes, as well as design advanced materials for multiple engineering applications.”
Looking ahead
“I am excited about the excellent working environment, outstanding scientist, good research facilities, and high-quality students at Iowa State University.”
What students can expect
“My students will expect a professor who is passionate about scientific research and would like to focus on the most important scientific problems that can benefit the community and society. Also, the students will expect a professor who would like to help students to success in their careers.”