College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

SmartAmerica Challenge spurs heightened cyber-physical systems security focus for ECpE

Iowa State University’s participation in the SmartAmerica Challenge has instilled a renewed focus on cyber-physical systems security for the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. As part of the challenge, which was organized by the White House Presidential Innovation Fellows program, a team of Iowa State researchers teamed up with several industry and university partners to form the Smart …Continue reading “SmartAmerica Challenge spurs heightened cyber-physical systems security focus for ECpE”

Iowa State expands Information Assurance Graduate Program, Cyber Defense Competition, with Smart Grid CPS Security focus

Iowa State University’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Information Assurance Center will expand their Information Assurance Graduate Program and Cyber Defense Competition to include a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) Security focus beginning in the fall 2014 semester. The expansion will improve two premiere components of the department’s cybersecurity and information assurance education initiatives. …Continue reading “Iowa State expands Information Assurance Graduate Program, Cyber Defense Competition, with Smart Grid CPS Security focus”

Iowa State researchers to demonstrate cyber-physical security testbed for power grid at SmartAmerica Challenge expo

A team led by Manimaran Govindarasu of electrical and computer engineering has developed a realistic platform for power grid security research As cyber threats to the infrastructure of the nation’s electricity transmission grow in numbers and sophistication, so does the technology used to identify vulnerabilities and mitigate these attacks. PowerCyber, a cyber-physical security testbed developed …Continue reading “Iowa State researchers to demonstrate cyber-physical security testbed for power grid at SmartAmerica Challenge expo”
