College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

ME grad student gets funding to study microwave interaction with energetic material flames

Mechanical engineering graduate student Joel Lynch recently received a $2500 grant from the Iowa Space Grant Consortium to study the coupling of microwave fields with solid rocket propellant combustion. His current project is entitled “Modeling of Flames Seeded with Alkali Compounds under the Presence of Alternating Electric Fields.” The research is taking place within the …Continue reading “ME grad student gets funding to study microwave interaction with energetic material flames”

Electrical engineering alum made a full circle and closes the circuit at Iowa State

Philip Thompson, Iowa State University electrical engineering alumnus, really liked working with electrical circuits and small battery operated motors when he was growing up. But it wasn’t until later in his academic career that he realized that electronics was his life’s calling. Thompson transferred to Iowa State from Iowa Central Community College in the fall …Continue reading “Electrical engineering alum made a full circle and closes the circuit at Iowa State”
