Deere is setting up a research and innovation center collaborating with, among others, Matt Darr in the agricultural and biosystems engineering department. Darr, who was recently named to the Kinze Manufacturing Fellowship in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, has conducted several projects with Deere, many dealing with biomass harvesting equipment at Iowa State’s BioCentury Research Farm …Continue reading “ISU Research Park boosts learning, economic development”
“Out of an excellent show, it was just picking the aces,” explained Iowa NSF EPSCoR Annual All-Hands Meeting Poster Competition judge Ganesh Rajagopalan. Rajagopalan was one of five judges who scored almost fifty student research posters at the competition July 22, 2014. The top three posters of the competition were given cash awards by Iowa …Continue reading “ABE grad wins first place at Iowa NSF EPSCoR poster competition”
A new algae production facility at Iowa State University makes use of an innovative design that’s attracting interest from other universities and private industry. The algal production facility, which was built inside a greenhouse on the BioCentury Research Farm in rural Boone, went online in January and has been filling orders for algae researchers ever since. The …Continue reading “New ISU production facility delivers made-to-order algae”