A team of industrial engineering and agronomy researchers have been awarded a $2 million grant by the National Science Foundation to study ways that Operations Research and Analytics techniques can be applied to improve plant breeding. Lizhi Wang, an associate professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering (IMSE), is the project’s Principal Investigator (PI). He …Continue reading “IE and agronomy team up for $2 million NSF research project”
Lie Tang, associate professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering, is working with scientists to improve crop resiliency using robots called PhenoBots. These robots collect data about plants as they grow in specific environments. With this data, the team can learn more about plant genes, environments for crops and ultimately a way to provide food to the world’s …Continue reading “Lie Tang utilizes plant-measuring robots to improve crop health”
by Thane Himes Liang Dong recently completed research on a device that can help scientists find more effective ways to protect crops and combat Parkinson’s disease by studying, of all things, worms. Nematodes possess simple nervous systems, but still share important characteristics with the nervous systems of humans. By studying nematode nerves, researchers can learn more …Continue reading “ECpE researcher completes lab on a chip device”