As the damaging effects of climate change become more apparent, researchers are studying ways to generate energy with minimal impact on the environment. Computer simulations could be the key to making this process more efficient. Shankar Subramaniam, a professor of mechanical engineering at Iowa State University (ISU), is the principal investigator (PI) on a project …Continue reading “Using computer simulations to improve clean energy generation”
Shan Hu, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is developing new catalysts made of rust nanostructures that convert light into fuel faster and cheaper than other leading catalysts. Her research holds the promise of using hydrogen as a sustainable clean energy.
Clean Energy America, a national speakers program designed to establish a dialogue with American citizens about the benefits of nuclear energy as a clean, reliable, and affordable source of energy, was on Iowa State’s campus Wednesday, October 19. Chuck Conlen, director of strategy, mergers, and acquisitions for DTE Energy, represented Clean Energy America during a …Continue reading “CoE course hosts nuclear energy group”