College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

E-Week emphasizes countless opportunities for engineers

Committees have been working hard since February to prepare for the College of Engineering’s annual Engineers’ Week (E-Week). The chosen theme “Engineers: Giving Imagination Direction” embraces the many opportunities for engineers and the various paths they take. Several new events will be happening at this year’s E-Week, including a Nail-Hammering Relay and other similar activities …Continue reading “E-Week emphasizes countless opportunities for engineers”

Bill Nye the Science Guy to kick off E-Week 2012

Is there a better way to start a week dedicated to engineering than with Bill Nye the Science Guy? This year’s Engineers’ Week (E-Week) planning committee doesn’t think so. But the group is quick to add that his show, which will be held Friday, September 21, is just one of the many great activities that …Continue reading “Bill Nye the Science Guy to kick off E-Week 2012”

Embrace your inner engineer at E-Week 2011

It’s that time of year again, when months of hard work come together in a series of events no engineer on campus will want to miss. Engineers’ Week (E-Week) 2011, which includes the nation’s largest indoor career fair, has a plethora of activities planned to engage students not only in the College of Engineering, but …Continue reading “Embrace your inner engineer at E-Week 2011”
