College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Iowa State Power Pullers team hopes for revenge in upcoming competition

Last year, Iowa State University’s ¼ scale tractor pull team had its high hopes dashed when they finished much lower than expected in their annual competition. With this year’s entry, named Cy’s Revenge, the Iowa State Power Pullers are set to roar back to the top, where they believe they belong. “We need to go …Continue reading “Iowa State Power Pullers team hopes for revenge in upcoming competition”

Iowa State to lead alternative hen-housing study

Iowa State University researchers will join with University of California-Davis scientists to investigate alternative egg production systems to help improve animal welfare and other practices. Project leaders say the study will assess alternative housing systems for laying hens in Iowa, the leading state in US egg production, and in California, where a state law known …Continue reading “Iowa State to lead alternative hen-housing study”

Learn to run a biorefinery in a virtual control room developed by Iowa State researchers

David Grewell flipped on the augers that carry corn from a truck to a biorefinery. Then, with a few more clicks of his computer mouse, he turned on the pumps that send grain all the way through an ethanol plant, from storage to hammer mill to slurry tanks to jet cooker to liquefaction, fermentation, distillation, …Continue reading “Learn to run a biorefinery in a virtual control room developed by Iowa State researchers”

AgE alum works toward renewable energy

Don Erbach (PhDAgE’74) has joined the board of directors of Advanced Biofuels USA. He has clocked 40 years with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service with a focus on technologies related to improving soil management and crop production. Read the full story.

Students to process waste vegetable oil from ISU Dining to fuel CyRide bus

Some Iowa State University students are serious about getting their campus community “on the bus” when it comes to green living. And they hope to pick up some other Ames residents along the way. That’s at least the plan, according to David Correll, a Ph.D. student in Iowa State’s College of Business and co-founder and …Continue reading “Students to process waste vegetable oil from ISU Dining to fuel CyRide bus”

Iowa State leaders ask governor, legislators for state support for ABE Complex

On February 18, 2011, Gov. Terry Branstad and Rep. Dave Deyoe of Nevada and Rep. Annette Sweeney of Alden visited campus to tour of Davidson Hall, current home of the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABE). President Gregory Geoffroy – along with deans Wendy Wintersteen of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and …Continue reading “Iowa State leaders ask governor, legislators for state support for ABE Complex”
