The American Journal of Industrial Medicine says a 2008 report indicates farmers and farm workers 55 and over are nearly twice as likely to die in farm accidents. Of those fatalities, Tractors accounted for 46 percent of those deaths. Fortunately, there are groups working to make tractors safer. Chuck Schwab of Iowa State University Extension describes …Continue reading “Schwab describes evolution of rollover protective structures”
“We’ve been looking at these practices for a long time to identify how we can reduce nitrate loss from drainage systems and optimize crop production,” says Matt Helmers, ISU Extension ag engineering professor and a member of the team that helped develop the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy, introduced in 2013.
LNS Group officials named Aaron Grell as the new national product manager for the company’s air filtration product line. Holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Technology from Iowa State University, and an extensive manufacturing background including roles in production management, applications engineering, global project management, and account services, Grell is qualified to help …Continue reading “ITec alum to lead LNS America air filtration products”
Big cattle need plenty of room. The exact amount of recommended space per animal varies by the type of feed yard. Kris Kohl, Iowa State University Extension agricultural engineer, gave a rundown of stocking density guidelines at a cattle stewardship seminar at the Dickinson County Fairgrounds in Spirit Lake last month.
“We have 172 plots in all, and take about 4,000 water samples a year from them,” ISU Agricultural Engineering Specialist Dr. Matt Helmers told a group of farmers and agribusiness reps at the ISU Ag Engineering and Agronomy Research Farm near Boone. He said ISU has more than a $500,000 investment in drainage water quality …Continue reading “Helmers: Tile water nitrate testing”
Grant Ives is discovering ways to add value to ethanol production. As an undergraduate in industrial technology, he’s worked alongside researchers in the Iowa Grain Quality Initiative lab using Near Infrared Spectroscopy to analyze grain samples for protein, oil, fiber and fat content. His internship has allowed him to make strides towards his real passion— making …Continue reading “Adding value, advancing energy”
It was August 1967 when Carl Bern first walked into a classroom at Iowa State University. He began his career in agricultural engineering as a teaching assistant, and has taught students at Iowa State every term since.
Deere is setting up a research and innovation center collaborating with, among others, Matt Darr in the agricultural and biosystems engineering department. Darr, who was recently named to the Kinze Manufacturing Fellowship in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, has conducted several projects with Deere, many dealing with biomass harvesting equipment at Iowa State’s BioCentury Research Farm …Continue reading “ISU Research Park boosts learning, economic development”
Large companies with extensive research and development facilities still seek their help, says Darren Jarboe (’85 ag business, ’86 agronomy, ’12 PhD industrial and ag technology), CCUR’s program manager for technology commercialization, marketing and communication. “Multi-national companies are innovating all the time and sometimes they like the idea of getting away from the company headquarters and …Continue reading “Iowa State’s industrial playground”
Shawn Shouse, a field specialist with Iowa State University Extension, said producers should inspect their bins when empty to ensure they’re in good condition and they’re not allowing in water. It’s important to keep them clean and dry on the inside to avoid mold buildup and rust.
Calm and muggy days are particularly troublesome for feedlot cattle, says Shawn Shouse, Extension ag engineer with Iowa State University. Many feedlots are without shade, leaving cattle to sometimes bake in the summer sun. Some feedlots offer natural or manmade shade, and Shouse says adding even the smallest bit of shade can make a difference.
For Sophie Rotole, a junior in agricultural engineering, it’s been a great experience for an undergraduate. “Miniponics 3.0 was a great success for me personally. It was a great opportunity to experience the engineering design process. I really enjoyed designing and constructing a product from start to finish and watching it function as intended,” she …Continue reading “Ag engineering student brings aquaponics to ISU and beyond”
ISU Extension ag engineer Mark Hanna told attendees that a proper planter setting is critical for the row crop. He advises placing the corn seed at a soil depth of 2 inches using down pressure to ensure consistency of seed placement, and having the disk openers set such that they would hold a piece of …Continue reading “Hanna: Integrating cover crops and livestock operations”