College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Five ME graduate students receive Graduate College awards

The Graduate College honored five mechanical engineering PhD students for their outstanding accomplishments in research and achievement in teaching.

New recipients are selected each semester for the awards for research and teaching excellence. The research excellence awards recognize the “best of the best” graduating students who have submitted theses and dissertations. The teaching excellence awards recognize outstanding achievement in instruction. Each awardee receives a letter of commendation from Iowa State President Steven Leath, a certificate of achievement signed by Leath and Associate Provost and Graduate Dean Dave Holger, and an honor cord to be worn at graduation.

Spring 2013 Research Excellence Award recipients:

Cheng Deng, PhD student for Dr. Pal Molian
Kaige Wang, PhD student for Dr. Robert Brown
Yanan Zhang, PhD student for Dr. Robert Brown

Spring 2013 Teaching Excellence Award recipients:

Hari Kodali, PhD student for Dr. Baskar Ganapathysubramanian
Haoyu Wang, PhD student for Dr. Michael Olsen
