College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Multidisciplinary CBiRC celebrates one-year anniversary

AMES, Iowa – Brent Shanks studies chemical catalysts in Iowa State University’s Sweeney Hall. Just a few buildings to the north, Basil Nikolau studies biological catalysts. Nikolau said the two researchers used to talk twice a year about the science of using different kinds of catalysts to accelerate chemical reactions. But now, thanks to the …Continue reading “Multidisciplinary CBiRC celebrates one-year anniversary”

2050 fellows make significant progress in research

Over the past year, four PhD students in the College of Engineering have dedicated their research to engineering solutions that can improve the quality of life today and for decades to come. Keenan Deutsch, CBE; Cara Dienes, IMSE; Eduardo Ibáñez-Sopeña, ECpE; and Zhonghua Xu, ME, were the first students to receive the college’s 2050 Challenge …Continue reading “2050 fellows make significant progress in research”

College welcomes new graduate students

With more than 240 new graduate students joining the College of Engineering, the Howe Hall atrium was a busy place on September 2 as the Engineering Graduate Programs office sponsored a special event to welcome the new students. It was a great opportunity for these students to get to know each other and to meet …Continue reading “College welcomes new graduate students”

Engineering enrollment exceeds 5,000

With 5,086 undergraduates majoring in engineering this fall, the Iowa State University College of Engineering has achieved a 25-year high in enrollment. The increase is 410 more students than last fall. The college, which is routinely among the top 10 in the nation for undergraduate enrollment, has averaged more than 4,600 students per year since …Continue reading “Engineering enrollment exceeds 5,000”

ABE student receives Fulbright Award

Laura Christianson, PhD student in sustainable agriculture (Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering), is one of two Iowa State students who have been awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student Scholarship for 2009-2010. She will conduct research at Massey University in New Zealand for 10 months beginning in January. In her doctoral research that focuses on the …Continue reading “ABE student receives Fulbright Award”

“Tour the World” fair draws record crowd

A record 850 people attended the 2009 “Tour the World” Study and Work Abroad Fair held in September. This is the largest engineering international fair in the United States. This annual event is a one-stop shop for students interested in learning about international study and work abroad opportunities, according to Shannon Miner, program coordinator in …Continue reading ““Tour the World” fair draws record crowd”

ISU Alumnus, Richard Hale, leads successful flight of unmanned craft and enhances KU’s role in climate change research

An innovative unmanned aircraft conceived and built at the University of Kansas passed its first flight test – led by Team leader Richard Hale, associate professor of aerospace engineering at KU.  Richard is an alumnus of the Aerospace Engineering department of ISU, graduating with his BS in 1988, received an MS degree in Mechanical Engineering, and …Continue reading “ISU Alumnus, Richard Hale, leads successful flight of unmanned craft and enhances KU’s role in climate change research”

Identical twins come from inner city to Iowa State on Gates Millennium Scholarships

When Iowa State’s Derrick Rollins visited the inner-city home of two talented brothers and their family in Kansas City, Mo., he talked with them about the school’s great facilities, supportive environment and dedication to success. But Rollins wasn’t recruiting athletes. He was recruiting engineering students. Rollins is assistant dean for diversity affairs in Iowa State …Continue reading “Identical twins come from inner city to Iowa State on Gates Millennium Scholarships”

ECpE establishes new bioengineering research and graduate study area

Ames, Iowa — The ECpE department is establishing a new core area of research and graduate study: bioengineering. This is the 10th core area the department offers. “This new core area is expected to broaden the engineering skills of our students, helping them solve biologically relevant problems. The integration of various engineering streams and basic …Continue reading “ECpE establishes new bioengineering research and graduate study area”

Wind Energy Manufacturing Laboratory established with help from Iowa Power Fund

AMES, Iowa – It’s not easy to make the machines that convert wind to electricity. Just consider the turbine blades that spin in the wind: a single blade can be 40 to 50 meters long and 10,000 to 15,000 pounds. It has to be built within millimeters of specifications. It has to be built to …Continue reading “Wind Energy Manufacturing Laboratory established with help from Iowa Power Fund”

Solar Decathlon student team prepares Iowa State’s solar house for a road trip

Now you see it, but soon you won’t. At least, not in Iowa. Interlock House, designed by the Iowa State University Solar Decathlon Team, was on display for local media for one final time before its deconstruction. That process begins during the week of September 14. After that, the house won’t be a house again …Continue reading “Solar Decathlon student team prepares Iowa State’s solar house for a road trip”

Space station hosts Iowa State experiment

Ames, Iowa—When Space Shuttle Discovery headed toward the International Space Station last month, Iowa State University’s Rohit Trivedi took more than a casual interest. An experiment he designed more than 10 years ago to study crystal growth patterns in a microgravity environment was finally headed to its destined location onboard the International Space Station. Trivedi, …Continue reading “Space station hosts Iowa State experiment”

Public invited to listen, learn from leaders in global technology, culture

AMES, Iowa – A semester full of talks will cover just about every angle of globalization: “Why Do I Need to Think Globally to be Effective in My Job?” “Technology and the Globalization of Opportunity,” “The Next Fifty Years,” “Reassessing Race and Sport within a Global Context,” and “It’s all Rock ‘n’ Roll to Me.” …Continue reading “Public invited to listen, learn from leaders in global technology, culture”

Stephen Paris, AER E Alum, helps develop award winning software

Iowa State alum Stephen Paris (BSAerE’75, MSAerE’77), technical fellow with Boeing’s research and technology division in Seattle, Washington, joins an elite group of engineers and scientists as the recipient of a 2009 R&D 100 Award. The awards, presented by R&D magazine annually since 1963, salute the 100 most technologically significant products introduced into the marketplace …Continue reading “Stephen Paris, AER E Alum, helps develop award winning software”
