College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

ISU Material Advantage connects students to the department, the community and Iowa representatives

Iowa State University is home to its very own chapter of Material Advantage, a student organization that “provides access to the materials science and engineering professional’s most preeminent societies,” including The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), the Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST), ASM International and The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS). Involvement in the organization gives students leadership experience, scholarship opportunities, conference and event access, …Continue reading “ISU Material Advantage connects students to the department, the community and Iowa representatives”

Iowa State Engineers Without Borders chapter receives first TMS/EWB-USA grant

After only a year in existence, the Iowa State University chapter of Engineers Without Borders has been selected by The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society for their first collaborative grant with EWB-USA in Mali, Kati Cerle, Nana Kenieba, Africa. Read the story here.
