College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

CCEE Department to Host Federal Aviation Researchers on National Scale

In one week, Iowa State University’s Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering opens its doors to researchers from across the nation. The Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability (PEGASAS) has chosen Iowa State University to host its annual meeting June 7-9. PEGASAS works to partner researchers, educators and industry leaders with …Continue reading “CCEE Department to Host Federal Aviation Researchers on National Scale”

Flying high: ME alumnus brings engineering and business skills to ICON Aircraft

Lei Huang earned his concurrent mechanical engineering and MBA degree in the fall of 2012 from Iowa State University. Today’s successful engineers often need strong business management skills to complement their degree in engineering. Huang is currently a manufacturing engineer at ICON Aircraft in California. It is here that he makes innovative impact in Light …Continue reading “Flying high: ME alumnus brings engineering and business skills to ICON Aircraft”

Lifehacker Career Spotlight: Elizabeth Bierman

Iowa State University alumna Elizabeth Bierman is a senior project engineer at Honeywell Aerospace where she specializes in avionics and is the president of the Society of Women Engineers. Bierman, who received her degree in aerospace engineering from ISU, works a wide variety of bright minds to create the technologies that guide aircraft to their destinations, is a mother …Continue reading “Lifehacker Career Spotlight: Elizabeth Bierman”

Identical twins + engineering ≠ identical careers

They look the same, sound the same and possess the same thirst for knowledge and adventure. They even studied engineering for their undergraduate and graduate degrees at Iowa State University. Despite these similarities, identical twins Erik and Luke Goetzke chose to pursue different career paths – albeit in the engineering industry. “We’re not the inseparable …Continue reading “Identical twins + engineering ≠ identical careers”
