College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Anderson prepares for new arrivals

Aerospace engineering alum Clay Anderson and his Exhibition 15 crewmates are preparing for major changes on the International Space Station (ISS). The Expedition 16 crew with commander Peggy Whitson and flight engineer Yuri Malenchenko is scheduled to arrive October 12. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, a Malaysian spaceflight participant, will accompany them. Shukor, along with Anderson’s crewmates, …Continue reading “Anderson prepares for new arrivals”

Team develops sensor to detect leaks in spacecraft

Contacts: Dale Chimenti, Aerospace Engineering, (515) 294-5853, Kevin Champaigne, Invocon, Inc., (281) 332-2897, Mike Krapfl, News Service, (515) 294-4917, Iowa State engineer develops technology to quickly find leaks in spacecraft AMES, Iowa — Tiny meteors flash through space. There’s spacecraft debris flying around, too. And so there’s a risk that objects just …Continue reading “Team develops sensor to detect leaks in spacecraft”

Anderson and crewmates move Soyuz

Aerospace engineering alum Clay Anderson and his Exhibition 15 crewmates onboard the International Space Station (ISS) are working on station maintenance in preparation for the arrival of two spacecraft and a major addition to the ISS in October. On September 27, they boarded the Soyuz spacecraft that was docked in the Earth-facing port of the …Continue reading “Anderson and crewmates move Soyuz”

Anderson helps with study to improve life in space

Aerospace engineering alum Clay Anderson is involved in a variety of experiments designed to improve life in space and on Earth during his assignment onboard the International Space Station (ISS). He is the first ISS crew member to participate in a study of how living in a microgravity environment affects the cardiovascular system. In this …Continue reading “Anderson helps with study to improve life in space”

Anderson works on experiments in space

Astronaut Clay Anderson, an Iowa State aerospace engineering alum, has spent recent days working on the smoke and aerosol measurement experiment (SAME) hardware in the Destiny Lab of the International Space Station (ISS). The SAME is designed to help scientists improve smoke detectors that will be used on future spacecraft. Anderson and his Expedition 15 …Continue reading “Anderson works on experiments in space”

Anderson completes third spacewalk

AerE graduate Clay Anderson has now completed three spacewalks as a flight engineer working on the International Space Station (ISS).  On August 15, Anderson and Rick Mastracchio, flight specialist from the space shuttle Endeavour, worked outside of the space station for about five hours rearranging equipment to prepare for the addition of a new section …Continue reading “Anderson completes third spacewalk”

Anderson completes third spacewalk

AerE graduate Clay Anderson has now completed three spacewalks as a flight engineer working on the International Space Station (ISS).  On August 15, Anderson and Rick Mastracchio, flight specialist from the space shuttle Endeavour, worked outside of the space station for about five hours rearranging equipment to prepare for the addition of a new section …Continue reading “Anderson completes third spacewalk”

Undergrads share NASA co-op experiences at JSC

Click on these students’ names to learn how they got the opportunity to co-op at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC), details about their NASA experiences, and what they enjoyed doing when not on the job. Brian Banker, senior, Ames, Iowa, completed his third tour in summer 2007. Sara Blatz, senior, Dubuque, Iowa, completed her fourth …Continue reading “Undergrads share NASA co-op experiences at JSC”

Alums contribute to NASA mission

Three aerospace engineering alums—Clay Anderson, MS’83, astronaut; LeRoy Cain, BS’88, space shuttle launch integration manager; and Joel Montalbano, BS’88, flight director—are key figures in NASA’s current missions to the International Space Station (ISS). Anderson arrived on the ISS in June aboard space shuttle Atlantis. He is a flight engineer for Exhibition 15 and will remain …Continue reading “Alums contribute to NASA mission”

Alum guides Endeavour mission

Joel Montalbano, an Iowa State aerospace engineering alum and NASA flight director since 1999, is the lead space station flight director for space shuttle Endeavor’s mission (STS-118) to the International Space Station (ISS). A native of Chicago, Montalbano earned his BS at Iowa State in 1988. He has been at the Johnson Space Center for …Continue reading “Alum guides Endeavour mission”

Hu paper earns prestigious award

Hui Hu has received the 2006 Outstanding Paper in Fluid Mechanics award presented by Measurement Science and Technology. Hu, an assistant professor in aerospace engineering at Iowa State University, wrote the article with Manoochehr Koochesfahani, professor of mechanical engineering at Michigan State University. The article, “Molecular tagging velocimetry and thermometry and its application to the …Continue reading “Hu paper earns prestigious award”

Anderson prepares to use robotic arm

Iowa State aerospace engineering alum Clay Anderson and his Expedition crewmates onboard the International Space Station will move a major piece of equipment, the pressurized mating adapter-3 (PMA-3), this week. The PMA-3 is being relocated to make room for the installation of Harmony, a 23- by 14-foot module, which will arrive on space shuttle Discovery …Continue reading “Anderson prepares to use robotic arm”
