College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Ian Schneider new director of CoE biomedical engineering minor program

Dr. Ian Schneider
Dr. Ian Schneider

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) Associate Professor Ian C. Schneider has been named the director of the College of Engineering biomedical engineering minor program. He succeeds Dr. Surya Mallapragada in that role.

The biomedical engineering minor is a unique opportunity that gives undergraduate students a multidisciplinary life sciences and engineering background along with a foundation that consists of core biology and engineering principles.

The requirements of the minor build on two core biology courses with an introductory course on the application of engineering principles to biomedical problems. Because biomedical engineering draws on multiple engineering disciplines, the minor also requires students take a broadening course in an engineering field other than that of their major. The program is then finished with elective choices addressing biomedical applications within the majors of the participating departments, which can include undergraduate research.

Dr. ian Schneider in lab
Schneider’s research experience in the realm of biomedicine includes work involving cancer cells.

More information about the biomedical engineering minor can be found here.

Dr. Schneider obtained a B.S. in chemical engineering from Iowa State in 2000 and joined the CBE faculty in 2009 after receiving his PhD from North Carolina State University. His research interests include controlling mechanical and biophysical aspects of engineered tumor microenvironments to understand and predict cancer invasion.
