College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Iowa State’s engineering brand

Especially in the digital age of marketing, it has become increasingly true that brand is determined by audience perception. Sure, you can try to influence that perception, but what people think of you—and what they tell others—carries the most weight.

In the College of Engineering, we like what people are saying about us.

A few months ago, the Wall Street Journal ranked engineering programs, and our college measured among the top 15 in the nation. The methodology? Corporate recruiters were asked to identify their top schools. What was important to us is not so much the high ranking—although such rankings are always nice—as the source. In this case, corporate recruiters are essentially customers. Their evaluation of us is a validation that our graduates are known for being successful in their careers and making an impact on the profession.

Whenever I visit a company, I always ask for feedback about how they see the engineering college. I hear a consistent message about how we’re known: for a high quality and affordable education based a solid footing of engineering fundamentals, and for a practical education where students know how to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom because of design projects, research projects, and co-op experience.

Employers appreciate that more than 80 percent of our students graduate with in-profession work experience. And that our graduates have leadership skills that they’ve developed by participating in a vibrant campus culture having more than 700 student groups—80 in the engineering college alone—including the Team PrISUm solar car, Engineers Without Borders, Associated General Contractors, and many others.

Of course, engineering is part of a larger university, so we take great pride when learning of such things as the recent Princeton Review ranking, which placed Iowa State among the top 50 “Best Value Public Colleges.”

Just more to talk about when it comes to the Cyclone engineering brand.
