1. Bioeconomy Institute director Robert Brown has been named to the Gary and Donna Hoover Chair in Mechanical Engineering.
2. Robert Anex, associate director for research for Iowa State’s Bioeconomy Institute, has been named to the Science and Technology for Sustainability Subcommittee of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Board of Scientific Counselors.
3. Surya Mallapragada is one of four Iowa State University researchers recently named an AAAS fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
New CAREER Awards
The College of Engineering is pleased to announce the receipt by the following faculty members of CAREER awards from the National Science Foundation. Among the most competitive of NSF grants, CAREER awards are given to catalyze innovative research by the profession’s most promising young faculty members at the beginning of their research careers.
Dionysios Aliprantis, Electrical and Computer Engineering, “Sculpting Electric Machines for Unidirectional Motion”
Zhiqun Lin, Materials Science and Engineering, “Evaporation-Driven Self-Assembly of Hierarchically Ordered Structures from Confined Solutions”
Qingze Zou, Mechanical Engineering, “Control Tools for Nanoscale Rapid Broadband Viscoelasticity Measurement and Mapping of Soft Materials”