College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Brenneman: Drainage design — for profit and water quality

“While subsurface drainage is important for crop production, we need to consider the design of these systems for proper function, as well as to minimize nitrate loss,” says Greg Brenneman, an Iowa State University Extension ag engineer. Drainage systems need to be designed for efficient collection of excess soil water, as well as adequately moving …Continue reading “Brenneman: Drainage design — for profit and water quality”

ABE faculty and extension specialists to present at farmland drainage workshop

Various aspects of farmland drainage will be the focus of a daylong workshop March 3 at the Iowa Bioprocess Training Center in Eddyville. The program is from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. “This workshop is being offered due to the increased interest in this topic the past year,” says Kapil Arora, field agricultural engineer with Iowa …Continue reading “ABE faculty and extension specialists to present at farmland drainage workshop”

Harvest-related publications included in food safety series available from Iowa State University

“Increased production coupled with consumer demands for food safety assurance require good manufacturing practices and the training to support them, at all levels of the grain market,” said Charles Hurburgh, professor-in-charge of the Iowa Grain Quality Initiative. “Market activities are much more interrelated than in the past.”

Modules provide education on grain handling, storage safety

The series is authored by Iowa State researchers Greg Brenneman, agricultural engineering specialist; Steve Johnson, farm management specialist; Erin Bowers, postdoctorate research associate in agriculture and biosystems engineering; Charles Hurburgh, professor and extension ag health and safety specialist in agriculture and biosystems engineering; Alison Robertson, associate professor and extension specialist in plant pathology and microbiology; …Continue reading “Modules provide education on grain handling, storage safety”

Iowa Learning Farms to host nutrient management meeting

Iowa Learning Farms, along with the Rapid Creek Watershed Project and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, will host a Nutrient Management meeting from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Morse Community Club, at 2542 Putnam St. N.E., in Iowa City. ISU Extension and Outreach Field Agronomist Meaghan Anderson and Agricultural Engineer Greg Brenneman …Continue reading “Iowa Learning Farms to host nutrient management meeting”

Brenneman on grain storage: core it, cool it, store it

Originally posted on the Pork Network. Grain is quickly coming out of the fields this fall, with 92 percent of soybeans and 73 percent of corn harvested in Iowa as of Oct. 26, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Since much of it has been harvested and put into the bin at 60 …Continue reading “Brenneman on grain storage: core it, cool it, store it”

Brenneman: Get your homes and gardens ready for winter’s icy blasts

While the fall season means sweater weather, pumpkins and candy corn, it’s also the time to prepare your home and garden for the brisk North Iowa winter. Now is the time start winterizing homes and buildings. “Tighten your home by looking for air leaks,” said Iowa State University Ag Engineering Specialist Greg Brenneman. “These can occur around …Continue reading “Brenneman: Get your homes and gardens ready for winter’s icy blasts”

School offers hands-on environment for learning how to’s of farmland drainage

Instructors were from three states. Arora was joined by Greg Brenneman, a fellow ISU Extension field agricultural engineer, and Matt Helmers, an ISU professor and Extension agricultural engineer, in organizing and teaching at the school. Other instructors were Brent Johnson, of Labre Consulting; Roger and Brady Kolbet, of Midtech Services; Kelly Nelson, a research agronomist …Continue reading “School offers hands-on environment for learning how to’s of farmland drainage”

Fall Field Day tour at ISU SE Iowa Research Farm

Farmers and those who advise farmers about crops will want to attend the annual fall field day at the Iowa State University Southeast Iowa Research Farm near Crawfordsville on September 10, according to Rebecca Ahlers, Iowa State University (ISU) Extension Field Agronomist. The field day begins at 1:30 p.m. and will include four stops. “One …Continue reading “Fall Field Day tour at ISU SE Iowa Research Farm”

Greenhorn grazing to optimize production

Participants in the Greenhorn Grazing program last month learned about identifying plant species, watering systems and managed grazing techniques at the John Schupbach farm near Elgin, Iowa. The next session, offer by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, will be Tuesday, July 21, at Country Junction Restaurant in Dyersville, Iowa. The workshops will begin promptly …Continue reading “Greenhorn grazing to optimize production”

Agricultural drainage techniques to be presented at Iowa drainage school

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will hold a three-day school beginning Aug. 19 to teach how to plan, layout, and install subsurface drainage systems. “The last several wet springs have shown the need for good drainage systems for profitable agricultural production. To function most efficiently, all components of a subsurface drainage system should be …Continue reading “Agricultural drainage techniques to be presented at Iowa drainage school”
