College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Ames Laboratory will lead new consortium to research caloric materials, advance refrigeration technology

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory will be the home of a new research consortium for the discovery and development of more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient refrigeration technologies, sponsored by DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The consortium, named CaloriCoolTM, will pursue the development of alternative forms of refrigeration technologies, called caloric cooling, in partnership with the private sector and universities.

Nanoparticles: To be or not to be crystalline?

Duane Johnson, an Iowa State University F. Wendell Miller Professor of Energy Sciences, and a team of researchers discovered that there is no one size where particles go from non-crystalline (disordered) to crystalline (ordered) phases. Instead, they found a range of sizes where both phases coexist statistically, depending on the support and gas surrounding the …Continue reading “Nanoparticles: To be or not to be crystalline?”
