A new blog from Iowa State University professor Dan Andersen discusses topics pertaining to the science of manure. Andersen says he will be writing about how manure is handled, options for treatment, how to effectively use it as a fertilizer, potential environmental impact and new technologies being developed to improve manure use. The most recent blog topic is, “How far can I afford to haul my manure?”
Anderson says when debating the economics of manure there are many things that can be considered, whether it be costs associated with manure collection in the barn, building or maintaining the manure storage, or moving the manure to the field and land applying it. “How these costs are accounted for can make a big difference in whether we think the manure is providing a cost-effective fertilizer resource, or if its use doesn’t pencil out compared to commercial fertilizers,” he states.
To read the original post by National Hog Farmer, click here.
To check out Andersen’s blog, The Manure Scoop, click here.