College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

ISU programs encourage young women to pursue career in STEM fields

ISU’s Women in Science and Engineering program, commonly referred to as WiSE, aims to equal the gender playing field in science, technology, engineering and math fields.

WiSE has been encouraging female primary school students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Various activities and outreach programs have been designed to increase interest and awareness for young women.

Taking the Road Less Traveled Career Conferences, Student Role Model Program and Girl Scouts are some of the more popular WiSE initiatives. The programs give young women opportunities to perform practice activities and learn in workshops.

“We reach about 8 to 9 thousand K-12 students every year in the state of Iowa through the Student Role Model program,” said Lora-Leigh Chrystal, director of WiSE.

The Student Role Model Program is where the the undergraduate students that are in STEM programs go out in the community and serve as a role model by going to classrooms and other community organizations. They lead students in programs and help in STEM-related activities.

WiSE also provides prospective students who are at community colleges opportunities to pursue degrees in the STEM-type programs at Iowa State.

Read the full story here.

