College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

Winds of change: Data-driven model directs location of swine barns

Drawing concentric circles around swine barns never made sense to Steve Hoff.

That’s what he saw in source-based swine odor models. Like a pebble dropped in a pond, the models seemed to say the more ripples you put between a proposed facility and neighbors, the better.

That’s backwards, says Hoff, a professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering. “What’s real are those living nearby who may be on the receiving end of odors.”

That’s where he focused his research, which led to development of a revolutionary receptor-based model called the Community Assessment Model, or CAM.

Since 2005, CAM has been a valuable preplanning tool offering guidance for hundreds of Iowa pork producers on where to build new facilities.

Read the full story here.
