College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

A week of math in the summer isn’t a bummer

GILBERT — Will Greeder wasn’t so excited about going to summer school.

The seventh-grader-to-be at Gilbert Middle School began attending this week’s math camp for obligatory reasons.

“My mom signed me up,” Greeder said.

But he kept coming back because this wasn’t an ordinary class.

Taught by Ambar Mitra, an aerospace engineering professor at Iowa State University, the class — the first of its kind at Gilbert Middle School — engages students with real-world applications of classroom theory. One experiment demonstrated how air traffic controllers gauge how high and fast planes are flying. Others explained how digital information is transferred into DVDs and how GPS determines travel times.

“We did the binary code about how the computer uses one, zero, one, zero,” Greeder said. “Today we did trigonometry.”

Visit the Ames Tribune site for the full article.
