Photo of three ABE students discussing the dashboard project
Helping policymakers make informed decisions about agriculture, $1.9 million grant for broad-scope framework

In the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, researchers received a $1.9 million grant from the National Science Foundation to provide a broad-scope framework presenting how FEW systems work together. Including elements like crop and animal production and ethanol generation among other things, the team is designing a series of maps that describe the food, energy and water data elements within the state of Iowa, and housing the maps in one user-friendly webpage. Read More

ECIC team checking their construction plans in the computer lab
ECIC club wins first place in national construction management competition

Iowa State University Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering’s (CCEE) National Electrical Contractor’s Association (NECA) club took home a $4,000, first-place award this fall at the annual Electrical Contracting Innovation Challenge held during the NECA National Convention in Austin, Texas. The team placed first in the overall presentation portion of the challenge, an award determined by combining the scores of a written proposal and the oral presentation. Read More

Headshot of Abigail Schulte
Powering the future with biogas: Abigail Schulte places first in annual Three Minute Thesis Competition

One of eight finalists in Iowa State University’s annual three minute thesis competition, Abigail Schulte is a concurrent student in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering versed in advocating for the environment through clear research and communication. Read More

the team walking on a sidewalk with power lines and electrical infrastructure in the background
Keeping the lights on in rural Iowa, digital tool to support utilities in the face of extreme weather events

Alipour recently received stage one of a two-stage grant to develop a digital infrastructure tool that can support electrical infrastructure, titled “Electric Network Disaster Mitigation for Utilities in Rural Environment (ENDURE).” This grant is a part of the CIVIC Innovation Challenge, funded by National Science Foundation in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The CIVIC Innovation Challenge works to “lay the foundation for a broader and more fluid exchange of research." Read More

Using satellites to measure crop residue, enhancing conservation practices

Being able to measure residue cover from satellite imagery is a long-term challenge that’s still a work in progress, but researchers are making headway. Read More

Chad Dolphin teaching a class
ABE welcomes new faculty: Chad Dolphin

Once a student pursuing a master's degree in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Chad Dolphin had no idea that in a few years he would become an assistant teaching professor in ABE. But his passion for teaching was apparent to his mentors from the beginning, and never went unnoticed. Read More

Kaoru Ikuma holding clean water
Accelerating environmental equality in rural communities, Kaoru Ikuma receives $3.2 million EPA grant

Engineers at Iowa State University are starting a project to normalize and accelerate water reuse for rural communities. Water reuse is already implemented in small ways across the nation, especially in urban areas, but society still tends to turn heads at the thought of drinking what used to be “unusable” water. Read More

Photo of Carey in the lab observing a Petri dish
Here to make a change: Grad student Grace Carey receives Brown Graduate Fellowship, empowered to study sustainable agriculture

One of only twelve awardees at Iowa State University, and housed in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, microbiology student Grace Carey received the $10,000 prestigious Brown Graduate Fellowship. Carey’s path to where she is today, a third-year, successful doctoral student, was a hard-earned path paved with her drive for environmental justice and passion for sustainable agriculture. Read More

ABE’s new dynamometer provides large machinery testing to Midwest manufacturers

Located in the heart of the United States farming landscape, Iowa State University serves as a resource for farmers all around the midwest. The Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABE) has a history of working with local farmers on many different agricultural designs - from power machinery to wastewater treatment, and many projects in between. Read More

Yunjeong “Leah” Mo
Assistant professor Leah Mo joins CCEE faculty

With a passion for research in several facets of construction engineering, assistant professor Yunjeong “Leah” Mo joined the Iowa State University Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) this fall. Read More

Bringing robotics to the field: ABE develops robot to analyze crops at pace equivalent to crew of 40 tireless people

After over a decade of work, Iowa State University Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering professor and researcher Lie Tang has fine-tuned and developed a machine to automate phenotype measurements of crops in fields. Read More

ISU ABE takes home awards in several categories at 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting

The Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering took the 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting by storm this summer, bringing home several awards, accomplishments and successes in a large variety of areas of the conference. Read More

Photo of a group of students in the Iowa State Power Plant
ABE students dive into the heart of electrical infrastructure at the Iowa State Power Plant

Iowa State University Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering assistant professor Josh Peschel brings electrical systems to life in TSM 363, a junior/senior level class about applying electricity and controls in agricultural and industrial settings. Read More

All four graduates sitting around a table collaborating on a project
Four CCEE grads spark innovation and lead infrastructure firm in Des Moines

After graduating from the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University, four civil engineering students began to build their careers at HNTB, an infrastructure solutions firm headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri. Read More

Providing solutions through water quality practices: A glimpse into ABE alum Bethany Brittenham’s career 5 years after graduation

After graduating from the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering five years ago, Bethany Brittenham has been immersed in improving water quality and designing projects throughout the Midwest. Read More