Andrew Goluch: Outstanding senior in software engineering
Author: Cyclone Engineering
Author: Cyclone Engineering
“I believe engineers have the unique opportunity to directly impact the lives of others, and I hope to have a massive impact on the good in the field of software engineering.”
Hometown: Inverness, Illinois
What clubs and activities were you involved in?
Software Engineering Student Ambassador, mountaineering and climbing club
What’s your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is the ice arena, and I have worked there all 3.5 years of school. It has always been a place I know I can clear my head and talk to some amazing people. I also get to drive the Zamboni, which is a lot of fun.
Who was your most influential mentor while at Iowa State and why?
My cousin and fellow Cyclone Engineer Ryan Goluch (’20 software engr) helped me to get familiar with the software engineering world and Iowa State as a whole. He was always there for me and helped me get through some of the hardest courses. I don’t think I could have gotten this far at Iowa State without him.
Which of your hands-on learning opportunities was most valuable?
My Honors Program project. I had complete freedom to get involved in the cyber security field and make my project my own.
What’s the mark you’re looking to leave on the world as an engineer?
Especially in recent years, our world has become reliant on software. It has made great improvements in people’s lives while also causing countless personal privacy and security breaches. I believe engineers have the unique opportunity to directly impact the lives of others, and I hope to have a massive impact on the good in this field.
What’s unique about the Cyclone Engineering student experience?
The Cyclone Engineering experience has been challenging, but the number of resources I have had access to has been outstanding. In almost every class I took, I could have applied something of value to the industry. Cyclone Engineers have several opportunities to work hands-on with some of the newest technologies. An Iowa State engineering degree is seen as valuable in industry. You can tell that from the companies at our Engineering Career Fairs looking for Cyclone Engineers.