2021 REX, TEX award winners announced
Author: Nick Fetty
Author: Nick Fetty
Six mechanical engineering doctoral students were recently recognized by Iowa State University’s Graduate College.
Alvina Aui, Xian Yeow Lee and Hamidreza Zobieri are recipients of the Fall 2021 Research Excellence Award (REX), while Xiaolin Chen, Joel E. Lynch and Mehrnoosh Taghavimehr received the Fall 2021 Teaching Excellence Award (TEX). All recipients are either Ph.D. students or Ph.D. candidates.
Nominees for the Spring 2022 REX and TEX awards must be submitted by April 15, 2022.
The purpose of the Research Execellence Awards is to recognize graduate students for outstanding research accomplishments as documented in their theses and dissertations. These students are also expected to be academically superior and able not only to do research, but also to develop a well written product. The intent of this program is to recognize “the best of the best” graduating students who have submitted theses and dissertations.
The purpose of the Teaching Execellence Awards is to recognize and encourage outstanding teaching achievement by graduate students. The intent is to recognize up to 10% of the graduate students involved in teaching each year.