College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

12 outstanding seniors, ready to make their mark

The Iowa State University College of Engineering is proud to present the fall 2024 outstanding seniors.

Cyber ACE: John Beuter’s mission is to protect the digital world   

“I love cybersecurity because of the ability to help and protect others. It’s the ability to have real-world impact, and I never have to question whether my work matters,” says John Beuter, cybersecurity engineering major.

Engineers build zero-trust, real-time cybersecurity tools to protect renewables on the grid

An Iowa State engineer is leading development of cybersecurity tools to guard power grids that carry renewable energy resources such as such as wind or solar farms. The researchers will develop “zero-trust” tools to reduce cyber exposure. The U.S. Department of Energy is supporting the project.

Iowa high school students meet, learn, play at Youth Cyber Summit

The Iowa Cyber Hub is bringing Iowa high school students to the Iowa State University campus for a Youth Cyber Summit. They’ll meet, learn about cybersecurity, and maybe do some “adversarial thinking.” It’s part of a Cybersecurity Ambassador Program established a year ago to train and post “a legion of cyber guardians” around the state to help improve hometown cybersecurity for Iowans.

Zhaoyu Wang and collaborators use data to manage grid transformers, boosting reliability to homes, farms

The researchers and partners will work together to develop a data-driven system that monitors the loads on distribution transformers and gives utilities real-time awareness of which boxes should be checked and potentially upgraded or replaced.
