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Xinwei Wang named Fellow of Optica

Author: Cyclone Engineering

Xinwei Wang, Anson Marston Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Wilkinson Professor of Interdisciplinary Engineering, has been named a Fellow Member of Optica by the society’s board of directors.

Fellow membership in Optica is limited to no more than 10 percent of the membership – and honors members who have served with distinction in the advancement of optics and photonics.

Wang is being recognized “for contributions to novel time- and frequency-domain Raman techniques that provide pioneering and advanced thermal probing and energy transport characterization.”

Wang’s groundbreaking work and discoveries, including inventing eight new electro-thermal and spectroscopy measurement techniques, new insight into energy carrier-structure correlation, and nanoscale thermal probing, have opened up never-before-seen possibilities in the design, characterization and control of 1D and 2D micro and nanoscale materials – like those used for integrated circuits, energy conversion and advanced manufacturing.

Wang’s prominence in the discipline has been amplified by his authorship of the first and only book on the experimental characterization of micro and nanoscale thermophysical properties, his extensive service to journals and professional organizations, and his excellent teaching and mentorship. Former members of Wang’s lab are now working on tomorrow’s breakthroughs at universities across the globe.