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Kara Albrecht: Outstanding senior in industrial engineering

Author: Cyclone Engineering

Kara Albrecht, outstanding senior in industrial engineering, poses for a photo in front of a red background.

Clubs and activities

Honors Program, EngX peer mentoring, IISE, Kairos Student Ministry, IMSE Ambassador, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Manufacturing Lab TA, Comedy College

Valuable hands-on learning in class

IE 3610, Statistical Quality Assurance. This junior level class gave us the opportunity to work with a group of peers and with a company on a quality assurance project. This was a high-pressure project, but it gave me valuable hands-on experience relatively early in college. I took the class before my last three internships, and I felt like it gave me a great launching point. 

Valuable out-of-the-classroom experience

My most valuable experience was my Industrial Engineering co-op at Disneyland. I was able to experience a wide variety of projects, and I was able to apply my industrial engineering skills in one of the coolest places ever! 

Most influential mentor 

My two most influential mentors at Iowa State have been Leslie Potter from the IMSE department and Laurie Law from the Honors program.  They both have been mentors academically, and in life. 

Best memory/greatest accomplishment

My greatest accomplishment is mentoring and TAing over 100 students during college! I love hearing about all my students’ accomplishments, and it is such a privilege to help them navigate their first semester in Iowa State Engineering.

Plans after graduation

I will work in Global Supply Chain for Starbucks! 

Support from Engineering Career Services

The engineering career fair has been an awesome experience! Being able to meet employers in person is a huge opportunity, and no one does it as well as Iowa State!

Making my mark on the world 

Starting college during COVID taught me the value of human connection. As an engineer, I want to create solutions that bring people together and create meaningful connections.  

Engineering like a Cyclone Engineer

Iowa State Engineering teaches work ethic and collaboration like no other. The faculty and students I have been surrounded by the last eight semesters are some of the most supportive, tenacious, kind people I have ever met. Being a Cyclone Engineer means lifting each other up and working hard.

What I’d tell my younger self about Iowa State

My time at Iowa State has given me the best friends and support system I can imagine. Engineering is hard but being surrounded by friends and professors that genuinely want the best for me has made a world of difference.

Most inspiring location on campus

I love the basement hallways of Black Engineering. Whenever I walk downstairs, I see so many of my friends all working, which is super motivational honestly. They say you are a combination of the five people you spend the most time with, and I certainly hope so.

Read more: 12 outstanding seniors, ready to make their mark