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IMSE’s Li named World of Difference Faculty Fellow in Engineering

Author: Nick Fetty


Qing Li, assistant professor in industrial and manufacturing systems engineering (IMSE), has been named a Building a World of Difference Faculty Fellow in Engineering.

Li joined the faculty at ISU in 2018 after serving as a visiting assistant professor of statistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in statistics from Virginia Tech University. She also has a M.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Rochester in New York and a B.S. in information and electronics information from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. Her research at Iowa State includes quality assurance, data analytics and non-destructive evaluation in advanced manufacturing, health informatics, Bayesian analysis, and engineering and natural science applications of statistics and machine learning.

“This award affirms to me that even as a limited and vulnerable person, I can still make a difference in this world by being dedicated to my career as an engineer,” Li said.

The fellowship is supported by Black and Veatch. Li’s term will last three years (ending June 30, 2025) and she will receive $22,500 in extra funding during those years.