College of Engineering News • Iowa State University

ABE Alum Spotlight: Sarah Sievertsen – writing for engineers, starting at ISU

Sarah Sievertsen graduated from Iowa State University in 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Systems Technology (AST). Originally from northwest Alabama, Sievertsen had a passion for manure management and air quality in high school. She now works for GEA North America as a technical writer.

ABE Alum Spotlight: Jacob Bickett – engineering professionalism, starting at ISU

Jacob Bickett graduated from Iowa State University with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering in the fall of 2020. He grew up in north central Illinois, farming row crops with his family. Combining his love for agriculture and knack for mathematics and mechanics, Bickett was bound for a career in agricultural engineering.  

Reuel receives prestigious American Chemical Society BIOT Young Investigator Award

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering faculty member Nigel Reuel has received the 2024 American Chemical Society BIOT Young Investigator Award.

ABE Alum Spotlight: Willow Griffith – innovating with precision, starting at ISU

Willow Griffith graduated from Iowa State University in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture systems technology (AST). Now at the Climate LLC as a product manager, she has combined her love for agriculture and innovation to find a career she is passionate about.

Mary Thatcher: Prepared for what’s next 

For many students, it can be challenging to determine what path to take. Iowa State’s Chemical and Biological Systems Engineering department helps students explore countless paths before they walk across the stage at graduation.  

Students across the department have access to resources with peers and faculty, encouraging them to step outside their comfort zone, explore new opportunities, and make the most of their time here at Iowa State. And senior Mary Thatcher has taken full advantage.  

ABE Alum Spotlight: Matt Haas – engineering for the farmers, starting at ISU  

Matt Haas graduated from Iowa State University with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering in 2023. Growing up on a farm in rural Illinois, Haas had a passion for Legos, agriculture, and hands-on work.  

ABE Alum Spotlight: Brady Nahkala – building a career preserving our water resources, starting at ISU

Brady Nahkala is a two-time alum of Iowa State University and a Water Resources Project Engineer at Bolton & Menk, Inc. Growing up in Minnesota, Nahkala had a love for lakes, rivers, and spending time in nature. Combining his love for the outdoors and affinity for math, he attended Iowa State to study Biological Systems Engineering.

Defining the next step for grain elevator energy consumption

“All over the world, agriculture contributes to greenhouse gas emissions through necessary harvest processing. In finding ways to reduce the footprint, I am analyzing grain elevators and the energy consumed through operation,” said Sabbir.
